Mental Health Case Study Joe (not his real name), a 44 year old man came to see me (Dr Clem Bonney) for a general check-up. He appeared slightly anxious and worried. It is not unusual for men to present for a general check-up as a way of reaching out for someone to ask how they…
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Male Obesity
How common is Male Obesity? According to 2017–18 data (ABS 2018): 3 in 4 Australian men (75%) were overweight or obese2 in 5 (42%) were overweight (but not obese)3 in 10 (33%) were obese. Overweight and obesity is more common in older age groups, around 4 in 5 men aged 55–64 were overweight or obese…
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“I don’t know what to do, I feel lost and alone.” Steve (not his real name) is a 38-year-old man, who is married with 3 kids, working at a local factory. “I have no energy and don’t want to do anything; I don’t play touch anymore and I think my wife is going to leave…
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